
cleanin' house

well, not really. though, i do love a good organizational session and a tidy living space...this is more internal than external.

it feels so good to do something right for your body, for your health, and thus yourself. i started up a detox yesterday, that i have completed once before, and i already look forward to how wonderfully clean (interesting, but accurate word choice) and naturally energized i am going to feel in a matter of days. it takes a little dedication and discipline, but that little 11-day eating plan was really was one of the best things i've ever done for myself.

it taught me to try new things (former foods of distaste are now favorites), to conquer cravings, to make social interactions about the people and not the accoutrements, and how a little effort can have big rewards. every now and then, a little experimentation can be one of the best forms of education.

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